Lockdown Conversations with Estelle Chemouny Founder and fashion buyer of @paradisegarage_store and Fashion Influencer


Lockdown Conversations with Fashion Influencer @estellechemouny Founder and fashion buyer of @paradisegarage_store ???????????? The stunning french @estellechemouny is a well admired fashion icon in the world of influencers and has managed to perfect her unique style, whilst looking trendy and chic at all times.

What are the things you realise you miss most?

just chilling on a cafe terrace with a coffee and cigarette! I truly miss that

Where are you at the moment?

At home in Paris, with my husband

What is your daily routine?

Wake up around 9, hot water and lemon juice then 1 black coffee, a cigarette! And the say can start.
Im trying to keep busy all day by reading, watching tutorials, trying to avoid TV! And eating a lot!

What is your favourite lockdown outfit?

tee and denim shorts forever

What do you do for mindfulness/things to keep you positive?

work out ( i havent for 8 years so its good to be back on track), riding my longboard in the empty streets. Eating healthy (trying hard) and sleeping well!
Read!!! About everything, i have learned a lot of things lately!

What will you never take for granted again?
My freedom!

What is your makeup and skincare routine?

I have plenty of time so i really take care of my skin: everyday i do my homemade turmeric mask, led therapy and massage my skin because i truly believe that is how my cellulite will gôaway

Favourite music/podcasts/books?

I listen to music everyday I don’t have the best taste in music but lately I am back to the disco years and it makes me very happy!
I read a lot and I also watch a lot of youtube videos about literally everything 🙂

What will you do first as soon as lockdown is over?
Will go sit on a large terrace with a magazine and a black coffee and just chill!

What workout/sports do you do?
Melissa good health! She is the best

Who has inspired you most in the public eye during this time?
Well, i got really bored of the quarantine challenge and home outfits so to be honest no one really

What positive things do you think will come out of this worldwide coronavirus pandemic?

The nature is taking back its rights and this is insanely amazing.
Hope people will learned from whats happening!